Measuring your physiology to provide the most effective way to train

VO2 Max Testing

VO2 Max Testing
Train Smarter

Perform Better

  • Enhanced Performance and Progression 
  • Accurate Assessment of Fitness Level
  • Tailored Training Zones

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VO2 Max testing enables us to analyse your physiological data, to provide the most accurate training plans to your individual need. Your training zones will be pinpointed to train the most effective way to improve your performance.

Perfect your training

Through metabolic analysis we find your optimal training zones.

Training in the optimal training zones allows you to maximise the physiological training effects to increase your performance in the most efficient way.

How It Works

We measure the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange while your exercising alongside heart rate. This enables us to find your optimal training zones. Allowing you to train at the correct intensities for your desired fitness goals. Eliminating the guesswork around your training.

What tests are avaliable?

  • Running VO2 Max Test

    Performed on a treadmill
    Walking speed for 3 mins
    0.8 kmph speed increase every minute until failure

  • Cycling VO2 Max Test
    Performed on a Watt Bike Atom X, Wattage increased every minute until failure
  • Beep Test (Best for sports athletes)

    20m Shuttle Run with progressive levels

  • Step up Test (Best for low impact)

    Progressive step ups on a box to the beat


Following a training period based on your initial test, re-tests are available to monitor improvements and amend your training plan for your next training phase.

PErfect your Training plan

Feel your running performance improve

1. Test your VO2 Max.

2. Find out your accurate training zones.

3. Execute the runs in your training zones.

Why use a custom training plan based on your physiology?

Following a non-tailored running program can be a painful experience both physically and mentally. Without proper customization to individual abilities and goals, the program may push a runner too hard or fail to challenge them enough. This can result in excessive fatigue, injuries, and demotivation.

The lack of accurate training zones, determined by a VO2 max test, further exacerbates the problem. On the other hand, the benefits of following a tailored running program with precise training zones are immense.

By understanding one's physiological capabilities, the program can optimize training intensities, durations, and recovery periods. This not only minimizes the risk of injury but also maximizes the efficiency of workouts, leading to improved performance, increased endurance, and enhanced overall fitness.

Ultimately, a tailored running program empowers runners to train smarter, achieve their goals, and experience the joy of running without the unnecessary pain of an ill-fitting regimen.

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Why test your VO2 Max?

Performance Enhancement

Knowing your VO2 max can significantly contribute to improving your athletic performance. By determining your maximal oxygen uptake, you can establish realistic goals, track progress, and tailor your training more precisely.

This allows you to optimize your workout intensity and duration, design effective training plans, and identify areas for improvement. As a result, you can push your limits, enhance your endurance, and achieve better performance outcomes.

Increased Motivation

Another significant benefit of undergoing a running VO2 max test is the boost in motivation it provides. The test results can be both eye-opening and inspiring, as they give you a clear understanding of your current fitness level and the potential for improvement.

Armed with this knowledge, you are more likely to feel motivated and committed to your training program. The concrete data from the test can serve as a benchmark and a source of accountability, spurring you to push harder, stick to your training plan, and achieve your fitness goals.

The sense of progress and the satisfaction of seeing tangible improvements can be a powerful driving force to stay dedicated to your running routine.

Accurate Training Zones

One of the primary advantages of a running VO2 max test is obtaining accurate training zones. These zones, based on your individual physiological data, guide your exercise intensity levels. Compared to estimations from smartwatches or other generalized formulas, the data from a VO2 max test offers a personalized and reliable approach to setting training intensities. This helps you avoid undertraining or overtraining, ensuring you train optimally for specific goals such as weight loss, aerobic capacity improvement, or race preparation.

Smartwatch Estimations vs. VO2 Max Test

While some smartwatches provide estimations of VO2 max, they are often less accurate than a laboratory-based test. Smartwatch algorithms rely on heart rate data and other metrics, but they cannot capture the full complexity of an individual's physiological response during exercise. A VO2 max test, conducted in a controlled environment with specialized equipment and expert analysis, provides a more precise and comprehensive evaluation of your aerobic fitness, leading to more reliable training recommendations.

Longevity of Health

Research has shown a correlation between VO2 max and longevity of health and life span. VO2 max is a measure of your body's ability to consume oxygen during exercise, reflecting your cardiovascular fitness. Numerous studies have demonstrated that individuals with higher VO2 max levels tend to have better overall health and a reduced risk of chronic diseases.

A higher VO2 max is associated with a lower incidence of conditions such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, and obesity. It indicates a more efficient cardiovascular system, improved lung function, and better oxygen delivery to the muscles and organs. These factors contribute to better overall health and a decreased likelihood of developing lifestyle-related illnesses.

Furthermore, a higher VO2 max has been linked to a longer life span. Several studies have found that individuals with above-average VO2 max levels tend to live longer than those with lower levels. This association may be attributed to the fact that high aerobic fitness is indicative of a healthier body, better organ function, and a reduced risk of premature mortality.

Engaging in regular aerobic exercise and training to improve your VO2 max has been shown to have numerous health benefits and can potentially extend your life span. By maintaining or increasing your VO2 max through consistent physical activity, you can enhance your cardiovascular health, improve your body's ability to cope with stress, and potentially increase your chances of living a longer, healthier life.

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